Special needs
Our drivers may be able to assist you but they are not trained carers.
Some of the things we need to know about when you book are:
- if you have difficulty with walking;
- if you use a stick, walking frame or wheelchair;*
- if you need help getting from the car to the building where your appointment is taking place;
- if you have difficulty with seeing or hearing.
If you have a Blue Badge, please bring it along. It might be useful when your driver is trying to find a parking space.
We need to know what kind of walking frame you use and, in particular, whether it folds up. There is no point in us sending you a very small car if you have a massive, non-folding walking frame!
If you use a wheelchair, it is important that you can move unaided from your wheelchair into the car, and from the car into your wheelchair. You can be a slow as you like in this process, but you should be able to do it without assistance.